Herní styl Miscellaneous
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1985
Programátor M.Th.A.M. Vijftigschild ...
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Detail rylísu

Název Intro-Collection
Typ C64 Intro Collection
Vydal 19.2.1993 / Presence
Program Hawk
Hudba A-Man, Andy, Brian, Danko, dEViLOCk, Drax, EVS, Guy Shavitt, JCH, Jeroen Tel, JO, Kristian Røstøen, Laxity, Link, Maduplec, Markus Schneider, Metal, Mixer, Odi, Page, Reyn Ouwehand, Scortia, Sequencer, Softmaster, Thorsten Klose, Tim Follin, Tracker, Willi
SID(y) <?>, Axel Mix, Blackmail Tune 1, Complications, Dodger (part 4), Dreamline B.O., Easter Egg, Easy, Final Axel, Flaciied, Flimbo's Quest, Game On (1990/10), Genesis, Glasnost, Greeky Tune, Heavy Hit, Heineken 2 (tune 1), I Just Don't Have the Heart, Imshi, Invest (intro), Lambada, Lessons in Love, Let's Disco, Maelke-Ib, Mega Put, Megablast Remix, Music to Foleny, Nowhere to Go (remix), Pacmania, Peter Pack Rat, Pice of Mind, Rainy, Refraction, RoboCop 3, S-Express, Stupid Lamer, SurSumTheme, Technology, To TMC, Traxedition
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic