Batman 10
Herní styl Boulder Dash
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 2003
Programátor Peter Liepa & Zoltán Sc...
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Detail rylísu

Název 69 positions (98%)
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 28.8.2005 / Vulture Design / Symphony 2005
Program Raf
Hudba Surgeon
Grafika Odyn, Raf
SID(y) 0005, 100 Hz, Adventure, Amelia, Bad Day, Baroqe, Beatles Mix, Beverly Hills Cop, Brainkaszana, Braintest, Cegla, Central Party, Cyklon, Dead Planets, Deathclaw, Destination, Edyta Gorniak, Engine, Go to Future, Happy Day, History, I Like Techno, Illness, Improper World, Intro, Killing Gel, Kochac to nie znaczy, Kolorowe Kredki, Las Vegas, Little Boy, Loops, Min Max, Mr. Nothing, Nice Dream, Night Dreams, No Face, Norfolk, Nuclear Man, Optic Gabinet, Piersi, Pirates Sea, Please Don't Cry, Psycho, Radiate, Replay Again 1, Samael, Shizzo, Slow Techno, Small Vulture, So What?, Street Fighter II (1), Sunday, The End, The Last, The Secret Book, The Stone, Toxic Tonic, Trance for You, TRY IT ON1x2x4-FIRST 48 SEC, Two in One, Universal Cop, Unreal Dream, War Zone, Wietnam, Wsrod Nocnej Ciszy, You and Your Body, Zic Zac
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
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