Nigel Stevenson - Il Regno di Ghorr
Herní styl Graphic(Hi-Res)/Text
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1987
Programátor Bonaventura Di Bello
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Detail rylísu

Název Scene World #1
Typ C64 Diskmag
Vydal 28.2.2001 / People of Liberty
Program Macbeth
Hudba Ganja, Merman, Psychodad
Grafika Drake, Exile, MAC, Megatron
SID(y) Breakin' Out, Heart Drums, Joyful, Scene World #1, Szenewelten #1
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic