Herní styl Yahtzee
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1986
Programátor Arne Schwenck
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Detail rylísu

Název The Thirt Music-Disk #4
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 1994 / Thirt
Hudba A-Man, Cane, dEViLOCk, DJB, Dr. Zoom, Drax, Geir Tjelta, Guy Shavitt, Iron Cat, Kristian Røstøen, Louie, Mateus, Parson, Red Devil, The Syndrom, Tracker, Yoko, Zonix
SID(y) A.Lindgren Mix, Alf Theme, Based, Blue Soul, Bubons Begining, Coolman 99A, Crackle, Dick Turbin, Doubler, Dream on Girl, Eurochron Mix, Final Lafayette, Galactica, Groove E v2, Happy Birthday, Happy Christmus, Instrument 1, Leroy Hero, Leviathan, Luma Symphony, Magic Tubes, Maniac Mansion, Mors Lilla Olle m.fl., Music Ass #2, No Limits, Off7, Osteria, Oz Wonderbaum, Photographic, Prophecy, Rebel Harmony, Sanxion Loader Mix, Scud in my Ass, Sid Damage, Sidchip Music Score 12, Sky - I'm Back, Speed It Up, Sunday Morning, Sundemusic, The End 1, Turrican Mix, Urrk Musux, Zapped Out, Zoom It!
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
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