Fame Quest
Herní styl RPG 2D
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1984
Programátor Dave Rotor & Peter Wood
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Detail rylísu

Název Music Disc #15
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 1991 / Ikon Visual
Hudba Charles Deenen, Deek, Drax, Flex, Geir Tjelta, Griff, Guy Shavitt, Harlequin, Henning Rokling, Hithouse, JCH, Jesper Thorndahl, Link, Markus Schneider, Metal, Nick, Reyn Ouwehand, Rodney Balai, Ronny Pasch, Scortia, Stein Pedersen, T.C., TDM, Thomas Detert
SID(y) <?>, Airwolf, Amok Musicselector (tune 3), Animal (tune 4), As They Go, Bended Wave, Bonziied, Church, Clique Baby, Cnp Intro, Cold Toe, Complications, Conflex, Connection, Dwarf Fly, Dynamoid, Feeling Alone, Fish Mac, Fresh Breath, House Dump, Intro I, Licence, London Demo, Louisiana, No Mercy, Oxygene IV, Raspberry Pie, Return of Mega Dildo (tune 4), Sayonara, Splitting Spaceships, That's the name, The Day After the Beat, Tune Seven, Vector Victory Intro, Visage, Warm Touch, Warmonger
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic