Word-Scramble Game
Herní styl Puzzle
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1985
Programátor David L. Heiserman
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Detail rylísu

Název Bzykolandia #3
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 1999 / Samar Productions
Program Glover
Hudba Bzyk
Grafika Levi
SID(y) Acceleration, Alametala 1, Alametala 2, Anno Domini 1997, Back for Good, Banality, Blue Blues, Bombastick, Break and Enter, BzykoDrax :), Bzykojazz, Check Dysan, Dafomania (w stylu Daf'a/SMR), Darkness, Devilish, Diablo, Double Zak, Draxish, Draxmania (w stylu Drax'a), Draxmania 2, Eccentric, Emigrate, Epidemic 1, Epidemic 2, Exclusive, Experience, Expresive, Fallout, For Kheela, For Ramos, Foresee, Friendly, Friendship, Funky Zax !, Funny, Half an Hour, Hard Motive, Humiliate, I Dreamt, I Love Affair, Idiotism, Implication, In the House, Infection 1, Infection 2, Introduction, Isolation, Jazzik, Jazzmann, Like This, Loader Zak, Master, Mellow, Moozica, Musique 1, Musique 3, Muzak Jazz, My Music, Negative, New Year 1998, New Year 1999, Newspress, No Correct, No Problem, No Respect, Nobody, Note Music 1, Note Music 2, Objection, Old Skool, Old Style, Oppression, Other Motive, Overdrive, Overhours, Pain, People, Pigsty, Power 1, Power 2, Premium, Prevail, Prodigy Kixx, Progressive 1, Progressive 2, Psychologue, Psychologue 2, Psychomania, Psychomix, Quake, Quantum Mutatus, Real Jazz, Really, Remove, Resident Evil, Rival, Schallow, SebaloSong, Sinister, Slow Zak, Small Defeat, Suffering, Suggestion, Support, Survival, Swindler, Temptation, The End, The Plan, Transpose, Universal, Unjust (4 Adwarp), Vegetative, Very Lame, Very Nice, Viadro Rave, Vibrations, Virtual, Vision, Where is Truth ???, Wonderful !, Youthful, Zappologia (for Sapper)
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic