Othello 64
Herní styl Othello
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1991
Programátor Peter Karlsson
Grafik Peter Karlsson (Mr. P/So...


DSPD - Sceneři

Země Germany

Název Kategorie Vocogou Datum vydání
C64 Misc. Code 21.1.2014
8192 V0.1 alpha C64 Game Preview Code 11.12.2017
8192 V0.2 alpha C64 Game Preview Code 21.12.2017
8192 V0.3 alpha C64 Game Preview Code 11.1.2018
Contour [123 bytes] C64 256b Intro Code 22.3.2018
Contour [128 bytes] C64 256b Intro Code 22.3.2018
EX Beach C64 One-File Demo Code 25.1.2020
F64summer Other Platform C64 Tool Code 24.12.2018
mkd64 V1.0 Other Platform C64 Tool Code 9.1.2014
mkd64 V1.3b Other Platform C64 Tool Code 12.1.2014
OpenCBM driver for FreeBSD V1.0 Other Platform C64 Tool Code 5.11.2018
Speed Blur [128 bytes] C64 256b Intro Code 19.3.2018
Speyes C64 Misc. Code 27.2.2018
Speyes C64 Misc. Code 28.1.2018
The Invitro by ExCeSs & Abyss Connection C64 Invitation Code 1.9.2019
The Lean C64 256b Intro Code 21.3.2018
The Lean [117 bytes] C64 256b Intro Code 20.3.2018
Turbo Outrun Reimagined C64 Graphics Code 17.6.2020
V1541Commander V1.0 Other Platform C64 Tool Code 25.1.2020
V1541Commander V1.1 Other Platform C64 Tool Code 5.2.2020
Xcusemo C64 Demo Code 3.11.2018
Ziri Demo C64 Demo Code 7.12.2013

Název Kategorie Vocogou Datum vydání
8192 V0.1 alpha C64 Game Preview Hudba 11.12.2017
8192 V0.2 alpha C64 Game Preview Hudba 21.12.2017
8192 V0.3 alpha C64 Game Preview Hudba 11.1.2018
A SID Tribute to Nino Rota C64 Music Hudba 17.2.2014
EX Beach C64 One-File Demo Hudba 25.1.2020
Minimal Illuminatus C64 Music Hudba 25.2.2014
Rava Revisited C64 Music Hudba 12.2.2014
The Invitro by ExCeSs & Abyss Connection C64 Invitation Hudba 1.9.2019

8192 V0.2 alpha
8192 V0.3 alpha
EX Beach
V1541Commander V1.0
V1541Commander V1.1


Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic