Black Quiz
Herní styl Quiz
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1995
Programátor Marc Teufel & Matthias K...
Grafik Marc Teufel (DJ Bobo)


DSPD - Sceneři

Země Germany
Ex-skupinaLaxity, Nostalgia, Excess, Alpha Flight, Emulators, Polser Party Posse, X-Rated, Crypt, The Crest Magazine, Tristar & Red Sector Inc.

Název Kategorie Vocogou Datum vydání
Alpha Flight Intro C64 Crack Intro Code 12.1996
Cyberpunx Intro C64 Crack Intro Code 18.5.1996
Dicke Tanzt C64 4K Intro Code 31.3.1997
Dicke Tanzt II - Fettes Saumonster C64 One-File Demo Code 29.12.1997
Fredericia Partyscroll C64 One-File Demo Code 22.1.1996
Happy New Year 2008 C64 Demo Code 29.12.2007
Hello World C64 One-File Demo Code 20.9.1998
New Life C64 Graphics Code 25.10.2008
Polser Demo 1 C64 One-File Demo Code 1996
The Crest #6 C64 Diskmag Code 12.1997
The Crest #7 C64 Diskmag Code 20.1.1998
The Party IV Scroll C64 One-File Demo Code 29.12.1994
TRSI Intro #1 C64 Crack Intro Code 1994
X-Rated Intro C64 Crack Intro Code 10.1995

Alpha Flight Intro
Dicke Tanzt
Dicke Tanzt II - Fettes Saumonster
Polser Demo 1


Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic