Herní styl Overhead
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1989
Programátor Frank Nürnberger
Grafik (Unknown)


CBM 128-80


The CBM 128-80 sits at the top of the CBM-II line. The stylishly curved plastic case with detachable keyboard and built in monitor are a contrast to the rest of the CBM-II models, giving it the "High Profile" distinction.

The CBM 128-80 HP is the little brother to the CBM 256-80 HP and was known as the CBM 710 in Europe. Like the other CBM-II models, the 128-80 has a full-sized qwerty keyboard, 80 column display, Commodore BASIC 4.0, RS232-C and IEEE-488 ports, and the ability to attach an optional 8088 or Z-80 coprocessor board. The CBM 128-80 HP has 128K of banked memory, and the particular model in this collection was also lucky enough to include the 8088 coprocessor board for running MS-DOS programs. MS-DOS compatility was considered an important feature at the time, as IBM was just beginning to envelope the business computing world. This model also included a third party IEC board for using Commodore serial drives, such as the 1541

The CBM-II High profile machines, which include the CBM 128-80, 256-80, 710, and 720, could all be purchased with built-in disk drives. These drives are said to be 8050 compatible mechanisms.

Statistics, features, and CBM 128-80 resources:

  • MOS 6509
  • 2 Mhz
  • 8088 daughterboard inc
  • RAM
  • 128 kilobytes
  • Expandable to 704k external
  • ROM
  • 24 kilobytes
  • CBM-II Kernal
  • CBM Basic 4.0
  • Video
  • MOS 6545 CTRC
  • Monitor: 12" Monochrome display
  • 80 columns, 25 rows
  • Sound
  • MOS 6581 SID
  • 3 voice stereo synthesizer/digital sound capabilities
  • Ports
  • Male edge-connector IEEE-488 port
  • Male edge-connector CBM Datasette port
  • Female RS232 port
  • Female edge-connector CBM-II/PET-II expansion port
  • 1 RCA audio port
  • Power and reset switches
  • Optional cable attachment with IEC serial ports.
  • Kyboard
  • Full-sized 102 key QWERTY
  • 19 key numeric keypad!
  • 4 direction cursor-pad
  • Nový příspěvek k článku

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    Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
    UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic