As mentioned on the page for the B128,
the CBM-II models were Commodore's last effort to
capture the business market with it's superior proprietary technology.
All the machines in this line are distinguished by the MOS 6509 processor,
Commodore BASIC 4.0 (like that found in the later
CBM/PET computers, the Commodore "SID" sound chip, IEEE-488 peripheral
compatibility, an RS232-C port, and 80 column text video capability.
Shown here is the 128k CBM 710 computer.
The CBM 710, along with its big brother the CBM 720,
represent the top of the CBM-II line. The stylishly curved
plastic case with detachable keyboard and built in monitor are a contrast to the
rest of the CBM-II models, giving them their "High Profile" distinction.
The CBM 710 also includes the ability to attach an optional 8088 or Z-80
coprocessor board.
The CBM 710 is also the European version of the CBM 128-80 HP computer.
Statistics, features, and CBM-II machine resources: