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Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 2003
Programátor Barry Hart
Grafik (None)


Commodore 264 Series

Commodore 232

Please read the intro to the 264 Series in the
C16/C116 entry before proceeding.

The middle tier of the 264 series consisted initially of the Commodore 264 when first announced. Later, the Commodore 232 was added to the announced catagory, though only the Plus/4 made it to market, however. Since the 232 was never released, the unit you see here is undoubtedly a demo unit, or a pre-production prototype. Some board changes were made to accomodate the lower (32k) memory configutation, and the board lacks the built in software found in the Plus/4. Otherwise, it is architectually identical to the Plus/4.

Statistics, features, and C232 resources:

  • MOS Technology 7501
  • Variable clock rate, with max 1.76mhz
  • RAM
  • 32 kilobytes
  • ROM
  • 32 kilobytes
  • BASIC v3.5
  • 50 more commands than BASIC 2.0
  • Video
  • 5 Video modes
  • Max. Resolution 320 X 200
  • 40 columns text
  • Pallette of 16 colors in 8 shades, for 128 colors.
  • Sound
  • MOS Technology 7360 "TED"
  • 2 voice tone-generating sound capabilities
  • Ports
  • MOS 7360
  • 2 Joystick/Mouse ports
  • Round DIN CBM Serial port
  • Female edge-connector 'TED' port
  • RF "TV" Port and switch
  • Round DIN CBM Monitor port
  • Power and reset switches
  • DIN Power connector
  • Kyboard
  • Commodore 116 -- 62 key "membrane"
  • 8 programmable function keys
  • 4 direction cursor-pad
  • Personal Note: The Commodore 232 was an extremely lucky find. I received it from a German collector named Claus Shoenleber during negotiations for the CBM 900.

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    Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
    UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic