Orpheus in the Underworld
Herní styl Platformer (Multi Screen)
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1984
Programátor Steve Bak
Grafik Steve Bak


The Commodore 900

Also known as the "Z-Machine" for its processor, the Commodore 900 was another foray into business computing that never left port. Classified as a mainframe computer, the 900 runs a flavor of UNIX called "Coherant" in order to lend it the multi-tasking, multi-user capabilities it needs for this market.

According to other reports, the Commodore 900 (also called the Z-8000 on early design materials), came in two varieties: a server and a workstation. The workstation has the high video capabilities lacking in the server, which was heftier in memory and disk space. Although labeled "Workstation", my server has a seperate unidentified daughterboard (?), the server text video port, and the numerous RS232 ports for networking with Workstations. Unlabeled, my workstation has the high-power video port, and fewer RS232 ports.

The documentation I have on Coherant is extensive. It describes a fully functional UNIX OS with a complete "emacs", grep, awk, as, ed, and many other features.

Statistics, features, and CBM 900 resources:

  • Zilog Z-8001
  • 16 bit
  • 23 bit address bus
  • RAM
  • 1024 Kilobytes
  • Expandable to 2 megabytes
  • ROM
  • ? Kilobytes
  • C900 Boot Rom High
  • C900 Boot Row Low
  • ROM @ $1A93 (video board)
  • ROM @ $4A75 (video board)
  • Video
  • MOS 8563
  • Server Text: 80 columns, 25 rows.
  • Workstation Hires: 1024x800 monochrome
  • Sound
  • Unknown
  • Ports
  • 25 pin Parallel Centronics port
  • IEEE-488 ports
  • Mouse port
  • Keyboard port
  • 25 pin RS232C ports (x4)
  • Power connector
  • Kyboard
  • 10 programmable function keys
  • 18 key numeric keypad
  • 4 key direction cursor-pad
  • Additional hardware
  • 1.2 megabyte 5.25" disk drive (SFD-1001 compatible)
  • 20 megabyte hard drive
  • OS: Coherent 0.7.2 Pre-Release
  • Unix-based OS

  • Here is a view of the ports of my server. From left to right, they are: RS232C, RS232C, Text video, (next row): Parallel Printer, RS232C, RS232C, IEEE-488. On the front is the keyboard port.

    Here is a view of the ports of my workstation. From left to right, they are: Unknown (RGBI?), Hi-res video, (next row): Parallel Printer, RS232C, RS232C, IEEE-488. On the front is the keyboard port.

    Personal Note:These machines were acquired through lucky internet happenstance. A wonderful German fellow named Claus Schoenleber had TWO of these beauties, and was willing to part with them! God bless him! Unfortunately, this machine, like all the other German CBM-II machines I own, will not power up. It's definitely the power supplies fault, but I do not understand it.

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    Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
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