Herní styl Text only
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1995
Programátor Ruben Spaans
Grafik (None)



Commodore SuperPET

SuperPET SP9000

The top of the PET line of computers was a project of the University of Waterloo in Canada. What they produced is remarkable indeed. Based off top-of-the-line Commodore PET technology, the SP9000 (also known as the MicroMainframe) sports 96K of RAM, true RS232, full 8032/8096 compatibility, and an architecture and software package that make it a developers' power machine!

When powered on in its Programmer mode, the SuperPET brings up the menu you see here, allowing you to select from its assortment of powerful programming languages and development tools. The idea behind the machine was that developers and academic types could do their work at home on the SuperPET. That work could then be uploaded back to an IBM mainframe using a direct RS232 connection as a terminal.

The powerful packages, as seen in the menu, include: RS232 configuration (Setup), a Machine Language Monitor, an APL development package, a BASIC development package (in addition to the standard Commodore BASIC), a powerful text editor/terminal program, a Fortran development package, a Pascal development package, an Assembler development package, and (not listed) a COBOL development package. There's much more on all of these below.
Be sure to check out the PET 2001 entry for more general information on Commodore PET computers.

Statistics, features, and SuperPET resources:

  • MOS Technology 6502 AND 6809
  • 1 Mhz
  • RAM
  • 96k standart
  • 64K was contained on an expansion board above the motherboard.
  • Early SP9000 models had two boards above the motherboard
  • Some models also had 3 or more switches.
  • ROM
  • 48 kilobytes
  • Waterloo KERNAL, including CBM Basic 4.0
  • (Download 50hz ROM images)
  • (Download 60hz ROM images)
  • Video
  • MOS Technology 6545 CRTC
  • 12" Monochrome displays
  • 80 columns x 25 rows
  • (3+) character sets (256 characters each)
  • Sound
  • Piezo electronic speaker
  • One square wave voice
  • Three octaves.
  • Ports
  • IEEE-488 edge-connector Port
  • 2 Commodore Datasette ports
  • Male edge-connector 'EXPANSION' port
  • 25-pin RS232 Female DIN port (Internal)
  • Male edge-connector CBM parallel programmable "User" port
  • Memory and Processor selection switches
  • Kyboard
  • Full-sized 73 key QWERTY
  • Multi-Font 62 key keyboard
  • APL Symbols on the front of the keys
  • 11 key numeric keypad
  • Editor functions on the front of the keys
  • 2-key 4-direction cursor-pad
  • Nový příspěvek k článku

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    Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
    UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic