Grand Prix Challenge
Herní styl Cars
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1990
Programátor Scott Elder
Grafik Scott Elder


VIC - 20

cbm/VICnTED/vic20.jpg In 1981, Commodore dropped a bomb on the home computer market, releasing the inexpensive 3.5K Commodore VIC-20. A computer for the game console buyer! The computer was even more successful than Commodore predicted. At its height, the VIC-20 had a production run of over 9000 units a day!

The VIC-20, like all other Commodore 8-bit computers, greets the user with a flashing READY prompt. The operating system is built into the hardware of the computer, and the user interface is BASIC 2.0, a programming language Commodore purchased from Microsoft in the late 1970s. The VIC featured 5 kilobytes of memory, and color graphics at a time when that was very uncommon, though it's display is only capable of 22 characters per line. The joystick port and game cartridge port are prominent features, as Commodore meant to market the VIC-20 as a game console/computer hybrid. The cartridge port could also be used to expand the VIC's memory up to a whopping 28/32 kilobytes.

Statistics, features, and VIC-20 resources:

  • MOS Technology 6502A
  • 1.01 Mhz
  • RAM
  • 5 kilobytes
  • Expanded to 32k
  • ROM
  • 20 kilobytes
  • BASIC 2.0
  • Kernal ROM
  • Char ROM
  • Video
  • Text: 22 columns, 23 rows.
  • Hires: 176x184 pixels bitmaped
  • 8 text colours, 16 background colours
  • Sound
  • MOS Technology 6560 "VIC"
  • 3 voices (square wave), noise and volume
  • Ports
  • 6522 VIA (X2)
  • 1 Joystick/Mouse port
  • Round DIN CBM Serial port
  • Female edge-connector 'Cartridge/Game/Expansion' port
  • Round DIN CBM Monitor port
  • Male edge-connector CBM 'USER' port
  • Power and reset switches
  • 2-pin DIN Power connector
  • Kyboard
  • Full-sized 66 key QWERTY
  • 8 programmable function keys
  • 2 sets of Keyboardable graphic characters
  • 2 key direction cursor-pad

  • Personal Note:The Commodore VIC-20 is a machine that exudes both charm and warmth. The large fonts, the simple, happy graphics, the friendly CBM Basic prompt.. they all contribute to a yearning for a long-gone simpler time in computer history. I do play with my own VIC-20 quite a bit, and its hard not to be drawn in by it. It was designed to be a game-playing computer, and it does this well. My own VIC-20's were obtained through my arrangment with the Austin Good Will Computerworks.

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    Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
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