Herní styl Solitaire
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1991
Programátor Oliver Malms
Grafik Oliver Malms


1541 drive connect with PC

X1541.EXE by (Leopoldo Ghielmetti)

The X1541 program requires an adapter cable to connect your PC parallel
printer port (LPT1/LPT2/LPT3) and a commodore disk drive (1541/1581).
*(The Female port pinouts are shown below. The normal cable is Male-Male.)

                                  CBM IEEE serial port *Female*:
     IBM Lpt port *Female*:                ___ ___
        ,-----,                          .-   -   -.
Strobe--+-1*  '---,                    .-           -.  _____
        |      *14+--AutoFeed    Data--+--*5     1*--+--SrqIn  _____
(Data 0)| 2*-,    |                   (       6*------)---------Reset
        |    |_*15|(Error)      Clock--+--*4     2*--+---Ground
        | 3*      |  ____              ._    3*     _.
        |      *16+--Init                .____|____.
        | 4*      |                       Atn-|
        |      *17+--SelectIn  -------------------------------------------
        | 5*      |            | C64signal |  IBMsignal       Lptport +2 |
        | 6*   *18+-+-Ground   |  2 Ground | 18..25 Ground               |
        |         | |          |  3 Atn    |      1 Strobe      bit0     |
        | 7*   *19+-|          |  4 Clock  |     14 AutoFeed    bit1     |
        vvvvvvvvvvv |          |  5 Data   |     17 SelectIn    bit3     |
        |      *25+-+          |  6 Reset  |     16 Init        bit2     |
        |13*  ,---'            -------------------------------------------

X1541.EXE  IBM <--> C64 file reader

type "x1541"   for the interface scheme (see above)
type "x1541 ?" for the options list
     options are : "/b" force monochrome mode
                   "/c" force color mode
                   "/LPTn" force I/O from LPT port n (n in range 1..3)

     Activate Menu or to dismiss menu and go to file list
          Also used to dismiss status boxes (after COPY)
   Highlight memu or Select menu item
    Highlight menu

 or  Go back; Highlight previous menu
      ( Sub-menu stays screen, but is no longer highlighted)

     Move between 1541 and IBM filelists
          Also used move to "OK" in COLOR menu

Cursor keys    Move through menus
 &    and Move through filelists

   Select files in filelist for copying

1541-COMMAND Note:     command letter (e.g. N0:Test Format,tt)
                   Must be capital letter --^

**** Brief command sequence for file copy ********

1. OPEN 1541    to select and highlight Drive# sub-menu
                to select drive number (8-11)
3.  to source filelist
4.  selects file(s)
5.  for menu
7.  to dismiss status box after copy is complete


Well I forgot to mention it, to make a file with another extension (seq,
usr, rel (not yet supported)) you should give the correct extension to the
IBM file Eg. *.seq will be transferred as sequential file (seq)

In normal condition 1581 and 1571 have the same mechanism as 1541 but for
lack of documentation I did not implement the fast serial mode feature.

ciao, Leopoldo

           * Ghielmetti Leopoldo                  *
                   *   e-mail :   *

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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic