Championship 3D Snooker
Herní styl Snooker/Pool
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1992
Programátor Stephen Walters
Grafik Stephen Walters


I/O Expander

                           The C64 I/O Expander


This document is Copyright  Per Olofsson (E-mail: MagerValp@Goth.Org) but
may be spread freely as long as no changes are made to this document or the
illustrations that are distributed with it.

Archive Contents

	IOexpander.txt		This document
	IOexpander.gif		The project schematics in B/W
	IOexpanderColour.gif	The project schematics in colour


In the C64 I/O space (D000-DFFF) there are several unused areas below D800
that are filled with mirror images of the VIC and SID registers. By adding
a bit of logic to the address decoding done by the PLA it's possible to
utilize the address space more efficiently. The modification requires basic
soldering skills and a bit of soldering on the C64 motherboard. Please note
that this will void your warranty :)

Parts list

  1  74LS00	Quad 2-input NAND gate
  1  74LS138	3-line to 8-line decoder/demultiplexer
  sockets, wire and a peice of veroboard


   +5V <==--------------------+-----------------------.
            .-----------------|---------.             |
            | .---------------|-------. |             | .--------==> /D0
            | | .-------------|-----. | |   __   __   | |
            | | |   __   __   |     | | |  |  `-'  |  | | .------==> /D1
   A8  <==--' | |  |  `-'  |  |     | | `-[|0    16|]-' | |
              | | [|0    14|]-'     | `---[|       |]---' | .----==> /D2
   A9  <==----' | [|       |]---.   `-----[|       |]-----' |
                | [|       |]-. |     .---[|74LS138|]-------' .--==> /D3
   A10 <==------' [|74LS00 |]-|-|--.  +---[|       |]---------'
                  [|       |] | |  `--|---[|       |]------------==> /D4
  /SID <==----.   [|       |] | |     | .-[|       |]------.
              | .-[|6     7|] | |     +-|-[|7     8|]----. `-----==> /D5
  /VIC <==--. | |  |_______|  | |     | |  |_______|     |
            | `-|-------------' |     | |                `-------==> /D6
            `---|---------------'     | |
   GND <==------+---------------------' `------------------------==> /D7

I have included two GIF images


+5 V and ground can be taken from just about anywhere on the motherboard.
The SID chip select signal is on pin 8 and the VIC chip select signal is on
pin 10. A8, A9 and A10 can be taken from the character ROM on pins 23, 22
and 19.
  Out of the decoder you get eight active low chip select signals. The /D0
and /D4 signals should be soldered to the /CS pins on the VIC and the SID,
respectively. If everything worked out OK you now have six free 256 byte
areas in the I/O space.

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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic