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Forever Quattro

Hello everybody, here's Drake to tell you something about a great event known as Forever party, held in Slovakia in the east corner of a beautiful piece of nature in Europe!

Drake (Holladsko) sedící, píšící Of course I’m not only talking about the nice hills and mountains here of the temperature (and snow), or Exiles car who was nice to see when we left Holland, and to compare it with its actual state it better needs some more than only one car-wash at least after our trip :-)
...But what am I talking about? The party is here and it gives me a great feeling and so I want to share this with all of you. The Forever party took place already for the fourth time and so this is maybe one of those parties where sceners regularly will meet each other in the future every year.
To tell you the truth, I was quite surprised that there was such a desire for a lot of people to visit this party. Most of the people here are from Slovakia and Czech republic and yes, it’s not only about Commodore. There are two other 8bit platforms as well: Atari and ZX Spectrum (Speccy). The last two systems are very popular in the east of Europe.

Sbírka toho nejcenějšíjo, co se na stole našlo In the few days before this party started we (Drake, Exile) visit Red Redby and slept at his home for the night. We spent some time the day after to visit Prague (beautiful city) and then we drove to Sad/Padua and his girl in Opava and through Opava we drove the next day to Trencin, Slovakia.
From Sad we heard that we could got some trouble on the Slovakian border because the custom officers maybe wants to have a list of all stuff we had. But we didn"t care much about that because making a list was a hard job. We had 2 C64"s, 3 Atari’s, monitors, other hardware and many more. So call us lazy! Anyway, we had a good mood. We’re right, we passed the border on a small road and the officers didn’t know any English :-) Then Sad got a phone call from Ceti/Abs: they had some trouble on the border and had to leave their C64’s on the border, bad luck for the driver, Red Redby and his passengers Ceti, Visac and Lord Hypnos.

Borci z Holandska dorazili i s Pražskýma posilama For us, the party has started. It’s Friday and there"s not so much to do. People are still coming but there aren’t so many people here. Most guys here are from ZX or Atari scene. We hope there will be some more C64 people. The amount of sceners who should come was expected on 80 but I only count 30!
We also haven"t seen any German sceners so we are asking ourselves if they will come. Maybe they also had some problems on the border... Party has just started (it's 22:00) and maybe I can ask someone to write some about the party here.
“Hello Sad, so tell me, do you like the party, David?”
“Now I’m tired from beer and vodka, but i can still write. There are less than last year and I think that is very bad. But most important people are here-my friends! My girlfriend is waiting, so I must finish it for this moment. Ciao!” Sad is off… Well, thanx man! Yes, I think there aren"t many sceners here for the moment but I hope they’ll come tomorrow. The same it is for ZX Spectrum there are less Speccy fans as expected when I take a closer look at the visitors list but all in all it isn’t a bad party because this is only the beginning :-)


Dobre rano!
Yes, I’m learning Czech..
As long as Factor6 is learning some Dutch.
He is able to write down some words and it's cool to hear some Dutch words from a Czech person. You know, for us Czech language is something like vtsje vtjse takse den bla bla...horrible to learn and to speak! Thankfully I was right. In the late morning there came some more people. Some Germans and Hungarian guys had problems at the border. The Slovakian custom officers at the border thinking they're acting cool but they're nothing more than clowns in their police clothing ;-) don’t you think? I’ve heard the story that the people from Protovision paid an officer 50 Euro to pass the border with their hardware. Quite stupid I was invited by Cactus to join the C64 team for playing a soccer match against an Atari team. At least there should be a ZX team too but unfortunately they were too busy, drinking and computing :-) the people in our team were Elban our leader, Cactus, PCH, Sigi, me and a scener from who I don't know the name. (Sorry, blame me, hate me, and send me a bomb..)
Of course we won. Man of the match: PCH/unreal because he almost got a heart attack because of running all the time and the amount of nice goals. We won with 10-1.
After this enjoyable match it was time to relax and hang around in the centre of Trencin. We drove to a nice pizzeria with PCH, Exile, Sigi and Orcan; it was cool. When we got back I had the chance to meet Visac again and he was just showing his IDE64 controller and I was asking him about this item and of course about this party.
“I like the party very much, but what I don"t like are the every year’s problems with the custom officers at the border. My idea was to connect all c64’s using the Ethernet card. But I think that will be difficult without the presentation this year. I wish all the best to the organisers to continue this great event.”

Legendy C64 z leva: Exile a Orcan I jumped in time and it"s right after the compos. The quality of the wares isn’t bad when you compare them with the last year. Only negative point is that most groups didn’t make their stuff here but only at home. So that"s why I think the real-time compo is the greatest compo here!
It’s already late now and most people went to their bed to get some sleep. And three are even some guys who’re leaving the party to get back to home like the singular crew (at 4:00) so they"ll miss the compo results and ceremony...too bad. What more to say right now? PCH is playing some of his music, Ceti is sleeping and lord Hypnos and sad are showing their demo"s onto the big screen ;-) it" s funny, they tried to wake Ceti so he could see his gfx collie on the main screen but he only wanted to sleep!! We’ve got to wait till 6:00 so I’m giving the keyboard to CreamD, one of the organisers of Forever Q.
”Well, how"s the party going? What about the amount of sceners here and what about the party spirit?”
“Party is going quit well. We’re getting more new visitors every year and old scener seems to turn back. We usually have around 80-90 visitors. This year less c64 sceners came although a few of them were first time visitors. Surprisingly, this year we’ve got the most visitors from spectrum and Atari, which is very positive for the future of this party. Although amount of demo releases this year isn"t very satisfying. From behind the stage this party is very successful and promises that next year will be the best forever ever ;-) For more info about the party and the visitors browse into your fave scene "news" site :-) The party spirit from my point of view was starting down the dumps. This year I was quite demotivated but now after all the compos I feel very positive again! Thanx for attention and have a nice c64 day :-))))”
“Yeah! I wish you the same man!” Okay, now it"s time to show you the compo results as far you didn’t already visited the forever pages!

Drejkovo oooko

Real-time compo

1. PCHREAL by PCH/Unreal (msx)
2. TEPLAKY by Padua (Intro sad/LHS
3. Music by TDM

Wild compo

1. C16 demo by Bubis and Luca
2. Shoot"em all by Raster/CPU
3. Atari + electric guitar by Jookie 1kb intro (only 1 entry)
1. Intro by lord Hypnos/Padua

Music compo

1. Mouth in the Foot by CreamD/DMAgic
2. Summer Memories by Factor6/Anubis
3. Danger Cables by PCH/Unreal

Graphic compo

1. Nothing Personal by Jailbird
2. Why? by Leon/Singular Crew
3. Machina by Joe

Demo compo (unofficial)

1. Water by Nightlord
2. Ditherer by Richard/Civitas

So this is already the end. It’s Sunday and I’m f*****g tired. Party is over and the wares are downloadable from the Forever page.
Next year I hope you'll all be there! Drake

(Thanx to PC by Merman/People of Liberty/ROLE for transfer)
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic