Rex Wright - Una notte a villa Neal...
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Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1986
Programátor Alessandro Zanello
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Detail rylísu

Název Digital Jukebox 3
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 1989 / The Chip Crunchers
Program Playboy, Steelrat
Hudba Adam Gilmore, Adrock, Brandis, Chris, Chris Huelsbeck, Deadeye, Drax, EVS, Finland Cracking Service, Fun Fun, Future Freak, Invisible, JBB, JCH, Jeroen Soede, Jeroen Tel, Laxity, Link, Markus Schneider, Michael Hendriks, Michael Simon, Michiel Soede, Orc, Red, ReD, Rob Hubbard, Rock, Skywave, Speedcracker, Thargon, The Rotary Iron, Toy, Tricket, Trond Kjetil Lindanger, Wally Beben, Yazz, Zagor, Zenox
Grafika Agent Orange, Steelrat
SID(y) <?>, Airwolf Mix, Alf Theme, Arpeggio Beat, Axel F - The Remix, Beyond the Zero, Big Fun Mix, Boing Baing, Boneless, Bronx Mix, Carillo! (part 2), Cave of Thoughts, Commando, Delikatess (part 9), Don't Die, Down at the Trolls, Enola Gay, FAME (2), FAME (4), Fame on the Run, Faraway, FIG Again, Frightmare, Funky, Funky Freak, Funky Stuff, Future Composer Zak 3, Galax(it)y, Game Intro, Game On (intro), Hopper Copper, Intro, Intro Designer 3 (tune 5), Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge, L.L.L., La La Link, Let's Gogo, Living on Video, Lykkehjulet, Madness (part 1), Manimalize, Megablast, Orion Copy-Party, Part Time, Party Demo (tune 5), Prove It, Psycho Tune, R-Type, Rastermatsch (part 2), Robocop, Rockin' Flash - The Extended One, Sample Preview, Sex Games Preview (tune 4), She's Just a Maniac, Simple Music, Smoooth, Something, Song made in monitor, Square Song #006, Starball, Subzero Intro, Take on Me, The Caverns, The Deadline, The End, The Hymn of Shining 8, The Magic Events, The Wanderer (german version), Top Trucker, Total Eclipse, TrailMix, Tune Nr. 2, Very Cool, What Should It Be?, Wild Dreams, Wizax intro
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic