Herní styl Breakout/Pong
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1991
Programátor Richard Hezseltine
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Sceneři

Země Germany
Ex-skupinaHitmen, Onslaught, Remember, Dytec, The Crest Magazine

Název Kategorie Vocogou Datum vydání
Dytec Intro C64 Crack Intro Code 8.1992
Dytec Intro C64 Crack Intro Code 6.1993
Dytec Intro C64 Crack Intro Code 12.1993
Dytec Intro C64 Crack Intro Code 1992
Dytec Intro C64 Crack Intro Code 1991
Schweinkram C64 4K Intro Code 5.4.1999
The Crest #1 C64 Diskmag Code 7.1997
The Crest #10 C64 Diskmag Code 4.1998
The Crest #11 C64 Diskmag Code 5.1998
The Crest #12 C64 Diskmag Code 10.6.1998
The Crest #13 C64 Diskmag Code 7.1998
The Crest #14 C64 Diskmag Code 8.1998
The Crest #15 C64 Diskmag Code 9.1998
The Crest #16 C64 Diskmag Code 10.1998
The Crest #2 C64 Diskmag Code 8.1997
The Crest #3 C64 Diskmag Code 9.1997
The Crest #4 C64 Diskmag Code 10.1997
The Crest #5 C64 Diskmag Code 11.1997
The Crest #6 C64 Diskmag Code 12.1997
The Crest #7 C64 Diskmag Code 20.1.1998
The Crest #8 C64 Diskmag Code 18.2.1998
The Crest #9 C64 Diskmag Code 12.3.1998
TRD Intro C64 Crack Intro Code 1994
TRD Intro (Cooptro3) C64 Crack Intro Code 8.1994
Xpiose C64 Crack Code 1992

Dytec Intro
Dytec Intro
Dytec Intro
Dytec Intro


Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic