Kill It!
Herní styl SEUCK
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1997
Programátor Chris Yates
Grafik Keith Killilea (Knightco...


DSPD - C64 Music Collection (stránek: 127)

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Název _​|​ ̄​|​○
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 14.5.2015 / Goto80
Program 4-Mat
Hudba Goto80
Grafika iLKke
SID(y) Bow Down (intro), Bow Down (tune 2), Bow Down (tune 3), Linkan
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Název 'Little' Music Collection
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 1992 / Flame
Hudba Amadeus, Antti Hannula, Avalon, Brian, Chris, Danko, Dave, Deek, Drax, EVS, Guy Shavitt, HTD, JCH, Jeroen Tel, Longhair, Maniac, Metal, O'Neill, Page, Scortia, Slide, Stein Pedersen, T.L.F., The Beasty Boy, Zonix, Zyron
SID(y) Beatbassie, Beatin', Brightness, Carcrash, Coma Light II (part 2+7), Coma Light II (part 6), Conflex, Coop, Delighter, FBI or Die (C)Rap, For Topaz, Graveyard Blues Intro, Griffie, Gumptious, Gurksladder, Hexagone 4, Horizon, I'm Your Baby Tonight, Into the Night, Kuldioxid, Leading, Livercool, Memories, Moonlight Melody, Old Zax, Oxygene IV, Popper, Potwor 3, Rick Astley, RoboCop 3, Sayonara, Scarlet, Shadow Sun, Shake It, Sidchip Music Score 9, Silent, Soldier of Fortune, Time and Fantasy, Warriors, Weird Dream, Zammis
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Název (B)art Zax #001
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 28.9.1992 / Collision
Program Yoda
Hudba Bart
Grafika Duck
SID(y) Cuba Libre, Eternal Dream, Oldline3, Summertime
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Název (B)art Zax #002
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 1992 / Collision
Program Yoda
Hudba Bart
Grafika Duck
SID(y) Bubblegum, Consummation, Discocrapremix, Metropolis
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Název .welle erdball.
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 12.2.2001 / Welle:Erdball
Program Honey
Hudba Honey
Grafika Honey
SID(y) 23, Monoton und Minimal, Tanzpalast 2002, Willow Klang
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Název 1 Year 20CC
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 17.6.1989 / 20th Century Composers
Program EVS, Falco Paul
Hudba EVS, Falco Paul
Grafika Orc
SID(y) Amtrak, Hip House, Megamix II C64, Phalanx, Spijkerhoek 2, The Words
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Název 10 Years HVSC
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 28.11.2006 / HVSC Crew
Program A Life in Hell, Inge, Mahoney, Six
Hudba _V_, 6R6, A-Man, Adam, Adam Gilmore, Aleksi Eeben, Asterion, BlackBeltJones, Cadaver, celticdesign, Chris Huelsbeck, dalezy, Deetsay, Drax, Factor6, Fanta, Goto80, Hein, Inge, Jammer, Jan Krolzig, Jenny16, Jeroen Tel, Joachim Wijnhoven, Laxity, Maktone, Markus Schneider, Monk, psych858o, Randall, Richard, Rio, Sidder, SounDemoN, Surgeon, T.C., UL-Tomten, Xiny6581, Yodelking
Grafika Alias Medron, Tch
SID(y) 10 Reefers in a Plastic Bag, Afternorm, AtomicMegaToonX, Beyond Fluctuation, Bright, Caer Aisling, Casuality, den oändliga spiralen, DNA-Dream, Fight the Machine, Flobber, Funny Bee, Happy Anniversary, High Voltage Trance, HoVuSaCa, HVSC, IAME, Introject, Jellydog's Chippie 2 (6581), JT in Rob's, Leave for Battle, Low Current Sid Tune, lunar tick, Marjon Loves the HVSID, Metro Dance, Random 2, Robbels, Sagyr's Castle, Second Time, Sidigital, Spaceman Salutes Commodore, Stort Plaster, String, Suppressed, The Jam (Rejammed), The Sissy Clown, The Tribute, Unfetter, waves of Day, X-Out Level 8
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Název 101 - A Tribute to Depeche Mode
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 2.1998 Nostalgia
Program Zyron
Hudba Avalon, Bogg, Brian, Double Jonas, Eco, Fun Fun, Goto80, H.I.C., Harmony Productions, Hayes, HCL, Hepido19, Jay, Johannes Bjerregaard, Jörg Rosenstiel, Kosa, Mark Wilson, PRI, Scarlet, Sony, Yankee, Zyron
Grafika Ogami, Scrap
SID(y) A Question of Lust, Agent Orange, Black Celebration, Boys Say Go!, But Not Tonight, DD Tune, Depeche Mix, Depeche Mix v2, Depeche Mode Songs, Die Qualle, Digi Box 6, Enjoy the Silence, Enjoy the Silence, Everything Counts, Fly on the Windscreen, I Just Can't Get Enough, Ice Machine, Just Can't Get Enough, Just Can't Get Enough, Justincase (part 6), Master & Servant, Master & Servant, New Life, People are People, People Are People (remix), Photographic, Photographic, Policy of Truth, Puppets, Reason Man, See You, See You, Shake the Disease, Shouldn't Have Done That!, Sometimes I Wish, The Great Outdoors!, The Things You Said, World in My Eyes
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Název 12 Olli & Lissa Tunes
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal Electro
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Název 180 Red Surfer!!!
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 1986 / New Balance Bochum
Hudba David Whittaker
SID(y) 180, Red Max, Street Surfer
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Název 1978 Modules Mix
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 22.4.1996 / Fatum
Program Baldhead
Hudba Bax
Grafika Shaggy
SID(y) Sqbany
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Název 1st Digishow
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 1988 / The Eurostyle Double-Team
Hudba Demon
SID(y) Music Demo Number One
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Název 2 of Flotsam
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 1995 / Stablizer
Program Flotsam, Oca
Hudba Flotsam
Grafika Flotsam, Oca
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Název 2 of Flotsam
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 1995 / Palace
Program Flotsam
Hudba Flotsam
Grafika Flotsam, Oca
SID(y) Distortion 2, Pink Alien
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Název 20 Years Samar
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 14.9.2013 / Samar Productions
Program Hermit
Hudba _V_, Aldo Chiummo, aNdy, Buddha, celticdesign, Cleve, Conrad, Eclipse, G-Fellow, Gaetano Chiummo, Hermit, Joachim Wijnhoven, Jurbo, Kristian Røstøen, NEO, Pece, psych858o, Raf, Richard, SIDWAVE, Svetlana Tovarisch, Tatqoo, Toggle, Triton, V0yager, Warlord
Grafika Hermit, Isildur, uka
SID(y) Acoustic Freedom, Acting Up, Backdrift, Bad Day, Basic Bytes, Cheers & Tributes, Chunky Funky, Cloudless Rain, Comodio, Dewclaw, Dreamscapes, Dubstep Invaders, EL7P, Electric Girls, Electronica, Fantastic, Filtered Feelings, Happy 20th Samar Birthday, In High Spirits, Integrated with SID, Koopa Doopa, Let Everything Fall Into Place, Loop for Intro, Lost, Mado Kara, Melody of Unknown Origin, Miss C64, Never Stop, Niezla, No Milk Today, Ocult Friend, Organic Slut, Perlewyg, Samar is 20, Silesia7, SMR25, Taurus, Track This, Vomitoxin, Wesola
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Název 2000AD
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 8.2001
Program Merman
Hudba Merman
Grafika Merman
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Název 2nd Stiff's Music Collection
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 24.8.1999 / Apidya
Program Shapie
Hudba Shapie
Grafika Shapie
SID(y) Acid, Alfred Qwak, Fury, Intro Zak 3, Miodzik, Mood, Mortal Kombat Soundtrack, Needle, Powder, Sky
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Název 2Pack - First Contact
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 14.12.2014 / Elysium
Program Brush
Hudba psych858o
Grafika Carrion
SID(y) Abstract Poem, First Contact
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
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