Herní styl Miscellaneous
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1984
Programátor Gregg Barnett
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Detail rylísu

Název Mental Hangower
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 1995 / Street Children
Program Flash
Hudba A-Man, Akadem, Bax, booker, Cleve, Compod, Daf, Danko, Dooshek, Drax, Emil, EVS, Eye, Fanta, Flex, Geir Tjelta, Harti, Iron Cat, JCH, Jeff, Jeroen Tel, Laxity, Metal, Moog, Olsen, Page, Peet, Praiser, PRI, psych858o, PVCF, Rabbi, Rap, Red Devil, Rura, Shogoon, Signor, Snap, Steel, T.L.F., Taki, The Syndrom, Xayne, Yoko, Yoshi, Zonix
Grafika Relax
SID(y) Attah 5, Basic Instinct, Beat'Hoven, Bladeswede, Blues, Chi Mai, Chojnow Music Compo 2, Cockcrusher - Zoomer, Cops 3, Czerwone Gitary, Das Boot (Techno version), Elec.Orchest, Electricity, Farewell, Flash in the Sky, For Padua, For Plasma and Buraki, Forever Young, Get Away (Naked Eye Version), Ghettoblaster, God's Power, Gotic, Heal the World, Heart Shaped Box, Hopeless, I Always Use Always, Indie Rally, It's Mad World, Jensemand, Kata Sandom, Kredki, Melodious, Mental Hangower (note), Mewy, Naj Story, Need You Tonight v2, Neverending Story, No Grammy, Paranoia (for Insider), Pebble, Potwor 3, Ravin' Mika, RoboCop 3, Sadly Fading, Sample Collection (note), Sampled Birds, Sax Nuddle, Scream Wing, Sealife, Shogoon-Rave, Skaermtrolden Hugo, Soldier of Fortune, Speedroad, Summer..., Take My Breath Away, Techno, Techno Zak, Terminator II (Dance Mix), Thank God!, The Show Must Go On, The Sign, This Is Your Life, Triple Echo, Warriors, Why Go Away?, Wildstyle, X-Mas, Xmas Mix
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
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