Wizard's Doom
Herní styl Logical Game
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1990
Programátor Richard Hansen
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Detail rylísu

Název Multiframed
Typ C64 Music Collection
Vydal 10.7.1996 / Fraction
Program Alpha, Dux
Hudba Arne, Bax, Brian, Cane, Chubrock, Comer, Compod, Daf, Danko, Dave, DOS, Dune, EVS, Imaic, Jeroen Tel, MAD, MHD, Moog, Orcan, Praiser, PVCF, QBhead, Red Devil, Shade, Shogoon, T.L.F., Taki, The Syndrom, Zeux
Grafika Sarin
SID(y) A Trip Into E-V-Space, Absolute, Absolute (part 2), All That She Wants, Asphyxia, Beverly Hills Cop, Cheeze, Chojnow Music Compo 2, Chubby Tune, Church Techno, Commercial Break, Constellation Betha, Deadline, Demo Bit, Destruction, Double, Doublefunk, Dresden Party'95 II, Dub 2, Dynamic Rythms, Evil Is Back, Fast Shit (Insider 3.2), Fly Away..., For Avantgarde, For Fatum Party #1, For Fatum Party #2, For Zeor, Game Music, Heart Shaped Box, Identity Card, Image, Introfronty, Invest (intro), Let's dance, Manual Vision, Mathematika II, Merry Christmas Mix 2, Night Club, No Good, Pinz, Popper, Power, Quattrodance, Scanland, Singing Cows (tune 1), Smilygirl, Speed Up!, Super Hi-Res Collection, Techno Music, Technowave, Tooth-Ache, Works Music
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic